Is Swing ID compatible on the Range or during Practice?




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    David Ables

    I would love the feature of practicing with Swing ID. On the course we’re never hitting the same club twice in a row and frequently trying to do something different each time. I’d appreciate the ability to get Swing ID with the same club and swing in succession to see what it feels like to make adjustments and see how the data reflects it.

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    Rob Delisle

    I would also like to have swing ID available at the driving range or in the home sim. This shouldn’t be hard as it’s already in place. A simple range option and club selection would make it simple. As we could manually enter range distances.

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    Carsten Klausman

    +1 for the range option

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    Sign me up for the range option too

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    Mark Harr

    I would like an option to use just SwingID.  I don't care about the tracking (too much elevation changes at my course to accurately reflect proper club distances), and my club uses Golf Genius for us to record scores.  I really just want the SwingID info.

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    Ian Meyers

    I’ve discovered a little bit of a workaround to enable swing ID on the range. First and most importantly you have to be at a range located at a golf course. Start a round and select your club, then just hit shots with the swing ID screen open on your watch. I have been able to successfully use this to go from a steepening swing to a shallowing swing and I absolutely love the immediate feedback to the changes I’m making.

    When you’re done practicing just cancel and delete the round.

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    Doug D'Arche

    Please, please enable this feature for the practice range!!!! Thanks!

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    Greg Koepke

    Yes driving range and the ability to have Swing ID for each round rather than it adding up over time.  This way I can see if I made improvements over time.

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    Will Foster

    Agreed,,,, need range option

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    Timothy Kincaid (T.J.)

    +1. For range.

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    Mark Matthews

    Practice range, net etc, would buy as soon as you have this feature as I practice twice a week at my club on their grass range. Feature would be amazing

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    Jordan Moore

    Came here to say this, this would be super helpful to have as tracking tempo at the range is a fairly manual process, reviewing video footage.

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    A practice mode would be very nice to track the swing. And when you are at a toptracer/trackman range you could manually add the range to the apple watch.

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    Neil Salt

    +1 for Swing ID on the range !!

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    Emil Axing

    Yes please! Came here looking for this.

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    Tobiah Adam

    Currently paying customer who likely won’t be renewing without this feature,

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    Andrew Hetherington

    Any update on practice option ?

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    Nik Rokop

    +1 for practice option, not only at a range. I like to practice swings at home too!

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    James Brock

    +1 for a practice range option. This would be a serious value-add 

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    Howard Bryant

    I'm glad I signed up for the One-month option only and not the Annual plan. Nowhere on your website or online does it say "SwingID cannot be used on the Practice Range". I subscribed to improve my swing and make adjustments  based on the instant feedback. Looking at it later either during or after the round does not help, as in most cases alternate clubs are being used. Please add a Practice Range option and I will take the Annual Plan.

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    Dave Tracey

    Any update on when this will be available, please?

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    Kamil Torres

    Pleas make it possible asap!!

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    Unknown L

    Especially at the driving range, when practicing, swing ID would be very helpful.
    This is actually One of the main reasons why I bought the pro version.
    Very disappointing, that it is not available for that purpose.
    Please make it happen!!!

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    Clay B

    Is there a way to integrate swingid/ golfshot with top tracer for club distances etc

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