All Golfshot members can link their GHIN ® to our Handicap Index ® feature. GHIN ® abides by the World Handicap System
15 results for "ghin"
Is Golfshot compatible with the World Handicap System?
How is my Golfshot Average to Par calculated?
official Handicap Index® scoring, tracking and posting through GHIN ®. -
How is my Golfshot Average to Par calculated?
Handicap Index® for scoring, tracking and posting through GHIN ® -
What is the difference between Golfshot's memberships?
Nassau, and Match Play Full scorecard features Linking GHIN Dynamic 3D flyover preview of each hole with club recommendations -
I’ve posted a few scores, but my Handicap Index® hasn’t changed, or my handicap shows as No Handicap (NH) Why is that?
calculation and the value displayed is totally controlled by your GHIN number and association.