GHIN® stands for Golf Handicap and Information Network®, a service that helps golfers maintain a Handicap Index®. A GHIN® Number is like your personal handicap account number. You can use this number to post scores to your Handicap Index® from your home golf club, online, or from any licensed club in the Unites States. Currently we only support GHIN via the USGA.
Articles in this section
- Is Golfshot compatible with the World Handicap System?
- Why do rounds posted show as away on
- Why is my score for posting to GHIN different from my gross score?
- How can I get a GHIN?
- Why can’t users under the age of 18 use this feature?
- What score does Golfshot post to GHIN?
- Why aren't all of my Golfshot rounds listed for score posting to my Handicap Index®?
- I’ve posted a few scores, but my Handicap Index® hasn’t changed, or my handicap shows as No Handicap (NH) Why is that?
- Can I post past Golfshot rounds to my Handicap Index®?
- Am I a good enough golfer for this?
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